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Fussy/Picky Eater

Fussy/Picky Eater

It is common for many children to be fussy or picky eaters as they are growing up. Literature states that almost up to 50% of families report having children who are picky or fussy. However, if your child has less than 20 different types of food in their repetoire or if mealtimes are very stressful for the whole family, this warrants further intervention/support, as your child may not outgrow these challenges, and this may impact on their growth and nutrition in the long term.

As mealtimes involve the whole family, our therapists are also trained in responsive feeding approaches that focus on the family and the adult’s feeding relationship with the child. We support caregivers in understanding and responding to the child’s cues, and providing a supportive environment for the child’s feeding development. We will also guide parents to understand the principles of division of responsibility and how to implement it in the home environment.

Our therapists are also trained to carry out the SOS Approach to Feeding (Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding) when working with picky/fussy eaters. This approach combines sensory, motor, oral, behavioural/learning, medical and nutritional factors when working with the child. It aims to fully evaluate your child’s feeding problem, and helps your child to systematically interact and accept a wider variety of food in their diet. Through individual sessions with the therapists, your child will have the opportunity to explore food through play and with a structure to help them increase their food repertoire in a safe and fun environment.

Other treatment approaches may also be incorporated after our careful evaluation. Children with sensory difficulties (e.g. oral or hyposensitivity) will benefit from approaches to desensitise, so as to accept various textures and tastes in their mouth. Some children may benefit from behavioural approaches as well.

Fussy eaters may also benefit from a Dietitian’s evaluation to help with their feeding schedules and help parent ensure sufficient and adequate nutrition is met during the period pre, during and post therapy.

Feeding & Swallowing Speech & Language
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