Autism Matters – HYBRID EVENT, Singapore, 2023 (CANCELLED)
Autism Matters – HYBRID EVENT, Singapore, 2023
Ms Kim Barthel (OTR)
Workshop is suitable for beginner and experienced clinicians:
Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Early Intervention Teachers, Special Needs Teachers, Behavioural Therapists, Therapy Assistants, Counsellors, Psychologists, Allied Educators, Mainstream Teachers, Preschool Teachers, Physicians.
For queries, email us at info@magicbeans.sg or contact us via WhatsApp at +65 87773171.
DATE : 1st to 3rd November 2023
TIME : Singapore Time 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
VENUE : Singapore, In-person workshop for participants in Singapore; online LIVE workshop for overseas participants.
FEES* apply for in-person and Online LIVE workshop:
Group of 2 or more (Early bird before 24th February 2023 EXTENDED TO 15th March 2023) – SGD 1150
Individual (Early bird before 24th February 2023 EXTENDED TO 15th March 2023) – SGD 1230
Group of 2 or more (Regular Fee, from 24th February 2023 15th March 2023 onwards) – SGD 1310
Individual (Regular Fee, from 24th February 2023 15th March 2023) – SGD 1390
VCF Funding is being applied**.
* Additional charges may apply for certain modes of payment. Refer to registration form for details.
VCF Funding – Pre-approved at 30% PCG funding**
**Terms and conditions apply.
For full payment details, please refer to this page: Click here
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/AMregform. Email us at info@magicbeans.sg or Whatsapp us at +65 87773171 should you have any queries.
This three-day workshop is led by Kim Barthel (OTR) and created in consultation with individuals on the spectrum and support from the Relationship Matters Team. The content integrates cutting-edge research into the neurobiology of autism with intervention strategies that support people who live and work with individuals on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across the lifespan. Topics will include research in neurobiology, the gut/brain connection, the immune system, sensory processing, motor control challenges and complex behaviour related to ASD. Participants will develop an introductory understanding of clinical reasoning to select interventions that holistically support individual challenges experienced. Treatment strategies that integrate the research will highlight attachment and relational interventions, sensory processing and motor control. Whether you are an educator, therapist, psychologist, physician, caregiver or keen parent, you will develop a deeper understanding of the brain-body science of ASD and develop evidence-informed and holistic support strategies across a wide range of environments and contexts. Conversations with individuals with neurodiversity will be included in this conference to deepen the application of this material to the Singaporean context.
Participants will be able to:
- Appreciate the underlying neurobiological influences experienced by those with neurodiversity that may contribute to the way they experience the world.
- Summarize epigenetic interactions between genes and the environment as they impact the well-being of the individual with neurodiversity.
- Describe the relationship between the gut and the brain as it influences the functions of regulation, immunity, behaviour and mental health.
- Appreciate the role of the immune system in brain/ behaviour function.
- Discuss the importance of attachment and attunement as components of behavioural regulation from a scientific perspective.
- Define relational interventions and the integration of these approaches into the holistic support of individuals with neurodiversity.
- Understand the sensory processing challenges experienced by the neurodiverse nervous system and how it impacts the capacity to feel safe, interact, learn and engage in daily living.
- Develop a repertoire of sensory strategies in a wide variety of contexts and environments.
- Understand the posture and movement challenges experienced by those with neurodiversity from
early identification to adulthood. - Develop a repertoire of movement intervention strategies to consider.
Day One:
This day offers an in-depth understanding of current potential biological underpinnings of ASD and how this unique wiring contributes to the everyday experiences and actions of those on the spectrum.
- Neurobiological contributions to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Epigenetic contributions to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Gut/Brain contributions to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autoimmune challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Day Two:
This day offers an understanding of the concepts of attachment theory as it pertains to ASD, highlighting the art of attunement. The theory of relational intervention, accentuating concepts of practical application with a treatment observation video.
- Attachment and attunement in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Relational interventions theory and practice
Day Three:
This day explores sensory processing and movement challenges that individuals on the spectrum can experience. Treatment concepts with practical examples will be emphasized through treatment observation video.
- Sensory processing experiences in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Sensory interventions for regulation, learning and daily living function
- Movement challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Movement Interventions for postural control, learning and daily living function
- Putting the pieces together
Kim Barthel (OTR)
Kim Barthel is an occupational therapist, multi-disciplinary teacher, mentor and best-selling author who is active in supporting people in many contexts globally. She is passionate about understanding neurobiology, movement, complex behaviour, sensory processing, traumasensitive practice, attachment and mental health. An advanced NDT instructor and international speaker on a range of topics, Kim has 38+ years of practice in helping people to be their best selves. Kim has contributed to a number of textbooks related to Pediatric Occupational Therapy and NDT, and in 2019, Kim was honoured to receive the Award of Merit from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy. Kim’s overall mission is to support the conscious evolution of the human spirit. www.kimbarthel.ca
Email us at info@magicbeans.sg or contact us via WhatsApp at +65 87773171.
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/AMregform.